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Request for Refund on Recent Purchase
I am requesting a refund for my purchase made within the last 60 days. Could you please provide clarification on the refund processing timeline?
CSS selector dropdown menus not stable
Hello, I have an issue and hope to help with improving the CF plugin. This is a great plugin. There’s one thing that’s a little funky and I wish to have it improved. In block editor mode under Core Framework settings where you get to select CSS cl
Fix gramatical mistakes in documentation.
Amazing product, just bought LTD license. I just read the docs and found a couple of grammatical mistakes. Plus I have 1 or 2 suggestions that could help beginners like me. I'm not sure if there is a way to contribute to the documents. Let me know
Export class styles from Bricks Builder to Core Framework
A button to move all class styles (inline) from Bricks Builder to Core Framework.
Hide core framework from user roles
hide the controls from specific user roles so that only admins/designers can access core framework.
True size information in the tooltip
I often work on design conversions where the designer doesn’t follow any typographic scale, and the only font size information I have in Figma is the pixel value. In such cases, it’s hard for me to remember whether a 16px text corresponds to size s,
Do not change color values when adding or removing shades or tints
Imagine a situation where, while working on a project in Figma, I suddenly discover a new color variant that I hadn’t added before. If I decide to add a new tint or shade, the color values will reset, and I’ll have to reapply them manually, which is
Import of CSS file
Would it be possible to allow import of classes and variables from a CSS file? Essentially the reverse of the Export CSS. Ignore the color variables, focus on classes and other variables. Difficulty would be where to put the classes - in which cate
CF Plugin for Elementor?
With the announcement from Elementor of support for classes and variables in the coming year, are you considering a plugin for Elementor? It's crying out for a proper CSS framework. Huge opportunity. I would purchase it in a heartbeat.
Bug when using TAB to add a new property at the bottom of a page
(Using wordpress). When I'm on the last selector group of a page, on the last selector item and I press tab to add a new selector property at the bottom, it scrolls the whole page up. However CoreFramework disables page scrolling (disables overflow)
Having a way to choose a default controller for making colors. Like HSB even on HEX
Even if work with HEX or HEXA, I would like to be able to have like an HSB slider to modify the colors, that's the only tool I need to create some colors. (with same controls like in photoshop/illustrator). Because it's so damn impossible to create
Coreframework option to load it on login & register pages.
Sometimes, we may need to share the login page with our users. Since I prefer not to create a custom login page using a builder and want to use the default one, having an option in the plugin to load CoreFramework styles on these pages could be a go
Color Variables Conditions depending on taxonomy
Is it possible to make variables conditions? Like this Variable if taxonomy is / is not .....
Compatibility with GeneratePress One
Develop an integration with GeneratePress and its visual builder, GenerateBlocks.
Better breakpoint management
When creating a version of a variable or utility at a certain breakpoint, and then changing the actual breakpoint size, everything gets really messy. It would be great if the breakpoint is a variable, so that when changed, all attached settings for
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